Contact us

For product inquiries, technical support, and other questions, here are all the ways you can contact us.

Please use the contact form below to reach us. One of our representatives will get back to you with your answers.

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For any Issues / support 
(In Nepali Language)

If you have a query related to your order or subscription, please contact customer service

For Helpdesk:

Create a support ticket.

Go to HelpDesk

For WhatsApp / Call / Text:


Chat in WhatsApp 

For Walk-in Support:

Visit us at:

Kaspersky Customer Support Center
Mastermarg, Kalanki, Kathmandu, Nepal

Google Map Code: M7WH+7C

Get Directions

Technical / Remote Support
(In English Language)

a. 24x7 Live Chat Support

For Kaspersky Premium Product Only:

For General Chat Support:

b. For all Products:

c. For Kaspersky Standard/Plus/Premium Support

d. For Kaspersky Safe Kids

e. For Kaspersky Password Manager

f. For Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection